Friday, December 3, 2010


The G20 is not a group of countries, but much rather a group of twenty finance ministers and central bank governors from the worlds largest 20 economies, making up for 85% of gross national product. More simply put, the G20 is an exclusive group of bankers that have, in a scarily short period of time, come to run the worlds economic policies. Policies which, aside from their gross abuse of human rights in developing countries which are mined for cheap labour, have also been creating creating quite a stink in the developed world recently. The G20 Summit was created in the dire shadow of the global financial crisis of 2007-2010, which some likened to the great depression of the 1930's. The Idea was proposed by former Finance Minister of Canada Paul Martin who aided in it's creation entirely outside of the United Nations, lacking a charter and conducting it's meetings behind closed doors. The G20 is a self appointed group that has in only a few years come to rival the United Nations both in and outside of the financial realm and general global governance. The G20's aim is to ensure sustainable, balanced economic growth which in my opinion is an oxymoron because the current economic growth rate is in complete contradiction of sustainable economy based on dwindling resources. The UN's aim is for cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace, not just economic development in the case of the G20. Is it possible that the G20 undermines important issues such as international law, social progress, human rights, and international peace in pursuit of whatever it deems as sustainable, balanced economic growth? Let the following evidence speak for it's self.

June 26th, Queens Park, Toronto.



Sunday June 27th, G20 Holding Cell, Toronto.
Sunday June 27th, King and Bay, Toronto.
This guy will not be filming your commerce session.Photobucket

Sunday June 27th, Queen and Spadina, Toronto.


Monday June 28th
<a href="" target="_blank">Photobucket

Incase it isn't already obvious what effect the intentions of this new global government will have on the human rights of all which it governs , let me spell it out for you in a clear example. The G20 has a very strong influence on current governments, case in point- the Public Works Protection act that was stealthily put in place (ehind the Mayors back) in Toronto during the G20 summit. The public was not informed of the act before, or even during the summit, in fact the even the mayor found out about the act after the summit in the paper. The Act, which has been corrupted to a point of close resemblance with martial law, was originally put in place in 1939 if an effort to protect public institutes such as courthouses and police stations from terrorist attack. In short, during the G20 summit the whole downtown core of Toronto was considered a public work, allowing any loosely designated "guard or peace officer" to

a) force any civilian to provide identification and reason for occupying the area, search any civilian without warrant or even probable cause,

b) and punish any who refuse to comply with a $500 fine or two months imprisonment, or both.

c) Use any such force necessary to prevent such a person from entering

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

In The Streets


Herbert Davy- Heelflip

Ever filmer or photographer is well aware of being sucked into the trap that is their local skatepark. With that being said, it's not always easy to warm up at a cruddy street spot - especially in the freezing cold. However, skateboarding was born in the street, and, many agree, it's dying in the park. Mom and Dad coaching little Timmy on his kickflips at the plaza for six hours seems too reminiscent of the jock sports, such as football and hockey.
Jesse Tessier- Kickflip Fs Noseslide

As fun as cruising the park is, it simply isn't quite the same as doging pedestrians, police officers, and piss stains on cutty sidewalks and alleyways. When security or police ask us why don't we leave our spots and to go to the skatepark down the street, there is something that becomes lost in translation and skateboarders simply reply "it's not as fun". There's just so much to street skating that seems more real, and it's up to skateboarders to keep it that way. Heres a few dudes that, in my opinion, are doing just that.
Jesse Tessier-Bs Flip
Kevin Tio- Fs Bluntslide Popout
People always see this spot in footage and interrogate filmers and skaters as to the whereabouts of the ledge. Well in this ledges case, its not so much where but when, this ledge is part of a wading pool, which means its wet all summer and much of spring and fall. Koty Brown already did this trick a few years ago, but I don't think kevin gives a shit, only because of Koty's is so well known in all of Canada as an amazing skateboarder. Thats the other great thing about street skating, skateboarders make their mark on spots, where as in the park everything has already been done.
Kevin Tio- Bs Tailslide
This spot is fun. Run as fast as you can then take five hard pushes, then burn up the shitty cut curb on an angle and- hoping your still alive when you get to the top of the cracky bank, pop onto a curb, grind, then drop in and do a trick off the curb.. This ones a gem, good luck finding where it is though, street signs may or may not have been edited out.
Morgan Smith- Nollie Tre Manual
I have yet to ever see a park in person, or even on footage with this seemingly simple obstacle- a down hill manual pad. This obstacle also shoots you out into oncoming traffic which is actually alot more fun than it sounds. Trick to appear in Devin Guiney's Social Withdrawl
Justin Elliot-Bs Nosegrind
Another obsticale strangely never replicated in skate parks, the good old koston step. Justin knew this ledge wouldn't make it another week or two with out having handrails installed on it, effectively skate stopping the spot. So in only an hour long session Justin shot this photo, and filmed a line to appear in Noah
Tynes's Ghetto Fabulous Volume Five.
Chad Wilson-Noseslide 360 shove
Find me a skatepark with a perfect ledge, 8 feet long-over dirt and through a razor sharp rose bush. Then do chad trick on it. Not likley.

PhotobucketColin Passy-Switch Tre

Mike Shiffer- Bs Flip
This flat gap recently got repaved, making the gap skateable from a new angle. Street spots are constantly evolving, allowing new skaters to up the ante on what has previously gone down.

Ben Paterson-Switch Bigspin Heelflip
Ben banged this out on the third photo I shot with security walking over, landing it this attempt. Unfortunately neither ben nor security were down to give it one more try for a better timing.

Ben Paterson-Bs Noseblunt
New Spots become can become classics within only a few years. Popping over that crack ain't easy- especially into a back noseblunt. Ben may have been raised indoors at CBMK skate park, but but here he proves that wont hold him back eating street spots for breakfast like coco puffs.

Rasta- 180 Switch 5-0

Beau Digga- Switch Fs Noseslide
The two cars in these photos are not placed, that was straight up just someone backing out of a parking lot in the middle of this "studio lighting" photo shoot. There's just a certain hectic aspect of skating street that makes for pure unadulterated reality, making everything else just seems fake in comparison.
Jon Cos-Switch Fs Heelflip

Josh Forgs- Switch Fs Heelflip
Oddly Enough neither Josh nor John were the first to do this trick, but who hasn't switch fs heelfliped five flat these days?

Tanner- Bs Kickflip
Don't ask me why no one has ever skated this gap to drop in the middle of a classic toronto courtyard spot. But I can tell you that a skateboarders imagination can undermine any kind of skate cap possible, ever.

Andrew Lane- Nollie Bs Tailslide
Nicky Young-Fs Noseslide 270 pivot
Eric Parker Photos
There is probably about a dozen ledges in the city I claim to be my one and only favorite spot, this is definitely one. Thats a thorny rosebush that my naked and girl like legs are sliding beside.

Herbert Davy- Bs Smith Grind

Herbert Davy- Varial Heelflip

Adam Reid- Fs Boardslide Popout
Tom Berry-Fs 5-0

Tom Berry-Fs Wallride

Shayne Eldridge-Bs Smith

Shayne Eldridge- Hardflip Over

Wojtek Zawada- Pop Shove

Malcom Yarde- Switch Fs Noseslide

Claudio Casinha- Bs Kickflip

Simon Archambeau- Bs Boardslide from flat
This photo may be old but it's still one of the most gnar tricks I've ever seen, plus I couldn't end a post this big with shitty Claudio.